
Dünndarmmetastase bei malignem Melanom ohne höhergradig stenosierende Wirkung.

of the small bowel secondary to malignant metastases in two 80-year-old people: a case series. Double jejuno-jejunal intussusception found at laparotomy.

Dünndarmmetastase als Rezidiv eines malignen Melanoms mit Invagination des Dünndarms. Die angrenzenden mesenterialen Lymphknoten waren tumorfrei.

emergency surgery for metachronous large and small bowel metastases after pancreaticoduodenectomy for pancreatic cancer: a case report. a Contrast-enhanced CT showing a mass, 55 mm in diameter, alongside the transverse colon. b Contrast-enhanced CT showing that the mass alongside the transverse colon enlarged to 65 mm, and an additional mass, 25 mm in diameter, was found in the jejunum. Black arrow—the lesion alongside the transverse colon; white triangle—the jejunal lesion

A case of
ramucirumab-related gastrointestinal perforation in gastric cancer with small bowel metastasis. Free air and fluid in the peritoneal cavity visible on abdominal CT

Small bowel
intussusception from renal cell carcinoma metastasis: a case report and review of the literature. Ultrasonography demonstrated an ileoileal intussusception with the classic “target” sign in the transverse view (a) and showed the typical “pseudo-kidney” sign in the longitudinal view with mesenteric lymph nodes within (b). The color Doppler highlighted the mesenteric vessels within the intestinal lumen (c)

Small bowel
intussusception from renal cell carcinoma metastasis: a case report and review of the literature. Abdominal computed tomography showed the characteristic inhomogeneous “target-shaped” soft tissue mass with a layering effect in the axial plane (a) and the typical “sausage-shaped” soft tissue mass in the coronal plane (b)

Small bowel
intussusception from renal cell carcinoma metastasis: a case report and review of the literature. A thickened, congested, and inflamed ileoileal intussusception involving approximately 30 cm of intestine was found intraoperatively (a). A cautious manual reduction was performed (b)

Small bowel
perforation due to indistinguishable metastasis of angiosarcoma: case report and brief literature review. Preoperative findings. a The primary site of angiosarcoma of the scalp shows infiltrative spread. An arrow shows the nodule. The tumor is demarcated by the red-brown color (arrowheads). b Tumor cells from the primary site of the scalp (biopsy specimen). c Preoperative findings on contrast-enhanced computed tomography. Focal wall thickening of the small intestine is surrounded by ascites (arrows), and free air is present (arrowheads)

of the small bowel secondary to malignant metastases in two 80-year-old people: a case series. Abdominal CT scan. A loop of small intestine (that very probably belongs in the proximal part of ileum) in the left lesser pelvis, with abnormal wall thickening (approximately 10 mm), and a signet-ring-like unilateral thickening (marked by circle).