Malignes Melanom Dünndarmmetastasen

Dünndarmmetastase als Rezidiv eines malignen Melanoms mit Invagination des Dünndarms. Die angrenzenden mesenterialen Lymphknoten waren tumorfrei.

melanoma of the small bowel. Demonstrating markedly abnormal small bowel with nodular wall thickening up to 3.5 cm. Small hepatic lesion with appearance of benign cyst.

melanoma of the small bowel. Demonstrating thickened small bowel with adjacent soft tissue nodules. Pulmonary mass in left upper lobe.

melanoma of the small bowel. Demonstrating a large occlusive thrombus within the proximal superior mesenteric vein - extending into the jejunal branch running alongside the affected small bowel loop. The superior arrow identifies the small bowel component of the tumour.
Malignes Melanom Dünndarmmetastasen
Siehe auch:
- Malignes Melanom Metastase
- Dünndarmmetastasen
- gastrointestinale Metastasen
- intestinales Melanom
- primäres Melanom des Dünndarms
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