eingeschmolzene Lymphknotenmetastasen

duct pathology and mimics. Necrotic metastatic lymphadenopathy (primary later found to be tongue base squamous cell carcinoma). Axial contrast-enhanced CT image illustrates an irregularly thick-walled cystic mass anterior to the left thyroid cartilage (arrow). Careful search in other areas of the neck demonstrate another similar appearing cystic lymph node adjacent to the right thyroid cartilage (arrowhead)

Metastase eines papillären Schilddrüsenkarzinoms: Der große zystische Befund rechts zervikal zeigte mehrere solide, deutlich kontrastmittelaufnehmende Anteile. Neben dem Hauptbefund waren weitere Lymphknoten auffällig. MRT T2 axial und koronar, T1 axial und T1 axial FatSat Kontrastmittel. Sonografie des Lymphknotens und des Schilddrüsenknotens.

cleft anomalies: a pictorial review of embryological development and spectrum of imaging findings. Forty-year-old man presenting with a persistent level II neck lump. Axial T2-weighted imaging demonstrates a complex cystic lesion posterior to the left angle of the mandible (white arrow). Asymmetrical soft tissue was also appreciated in the left fossa of Rosenmüller (asterisk). A second branchial cleft cyst was considered in the differential, but the diagnosis was finally confirmed to be nasopharyngeal carcinoma with cystic metastases
eingeschmolzene Lymphknotenmetastasen
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