endometrial polyp

Endometrial polyps are benign nodular protrusions of the endometrial surface, and one of the entities included in a differential of endometrial thickening. Endometrial polyps can either be sessile or pedunculated. They can often be suggested on ultrasound or MRI studies, but may require sonohysterography or direct visualization for confirmation.
The prevalence of endometrial polyps increases with age and ranges from 7.8-34.9% . Endometrial polyps are frequently seen in patients receiving tamoxifen. Other risk factors include foreign bodies, multiparity, chronic cervicitis and estrogen secretion.
Clinical presentation
Most polyps are asymptomatic although they can be a common cause of postmenopausal bleeding (can account for approximately 30% of cases ). In pre-menopausal women, they may cause intermenstrual bleeding, metrorrhagia, and infertility.
Polyps can be histologically characterized as localized hyperplastic overgrowths of glands and stroma. They consist of irregularly-distributed endometrial glands and stroma and generally consist of three components:
- a stroma of focally or diffusely dense fibrous or smooth muscle tissue
- thick-walled vessels
- endometrial glands
0.8-4.8% of endometrial polyps are premalignant or malignant .
- adenomyomatous endometrial polyp
- there is a predilection towards the fundal and cornual regions within the uterus
- they can be multiple in ~20% of cases
- rarely protrude into the endocervical canal or through the cervical os
Radiographic features
Best time of examination for endometrial polyp is postmenstrual.
- usually solitary homogeneous and echogenic lesion
- interrupted mucosa sign : the endometrial polyp focally interrupt the normal mucosal contour of the uterine cavity
- it is rarely hypoechoic or heterogeneous
- a stalk to the polyp may either be thin- (i.e. pedunculated) or broad-based
- the bright edge sign : the appearance of one or two well-defined short echogenic linear echoes at the polyp borders which are perpendicular to the ultrasound beam
- may appear isoechoic as a focal non-specific thickened endometrium, without visualization of a discrete mass
- rarely appears as diffuse endometrial thickening as the endometrial polyp fills the endometrial cavity, mimicking endometrial hyperplasia
- rarely cystic spaces could be seen corresponding to dilated glands filled with proteinaceous fluid within the polyp
- may be surrounded by endometrial fluid
Color Doppler
- pedicle artery sign: a single feeding vessel may be seen extending to the polyp on color Doppler imaging
- visualization of a vascular pedicle is 76% sensitive and 95% specific for endometrial polyps
3D ultrasound
- 3D ultrasound may be useful to help delineate the borders of a polyp
Although not always necessary for a diagnosis, polyps are well-characterized on sonohysterography and appear as echogenic, smooth, intracavitary masses outlined by the fluid. The typical appearance of an endometrial polyp at sonohysterography is a well-defined, homogeneous, polypoid lesion that is isoechoic to the endometrium with preservation of the endometrial-myometrial interface . There is usually a well-defined vascular pedicle within the stalk.
Pelvic MRI
Signal characteristics include:
- T1: often isointense signal to endometrium
- T2: endometrial polyps are often seen as hypointense intracavitary masses surrounded by hyperintense fluid and endometrium
- T1 C+ (Gd): can show either homogeneous or heterogeneous enhancement
Hysterosalpingography (HSG)
Polyps may be seen as pedunculated or sessile filling defects within the uterine cavity. This is not a preferred method for evaluation compared with the other modalities.
- prolapse: prolapsed endometrial polyp
- a very small percentage (0.5-3%) of polyps may contain endometrial carcinoma .
Treatment and prognosis
Most polyps are benign and may be treated with a polypectomy, if symptomatic.
Differential diagnosis
Entities that can potentially mimic an endometrial polyp include:
- uterine leiomyoma(s): especially if submucosal and pedunculated, although most leiomyomas tend to be hypoechoic on ultrasound and demonstrate hypointense signal on MRI
- foci of endometrial hyperplasia
- endometrial carcinoma
- intrauterine blood clot
For hyperechoic content within the endometrium also consider:
See also
Siehe auch:
- Leiomyofibrom Uterus
- Endometriumkarzinom
- endometrial hyperplasia
- retained products of conception
- intrauterine blood clot
- endometrial polyp in the exam
- Zervixpolypen
- tubal polyps
und weiter:
- Hysterosalpingographie
- per vaginal bleeding in the exam
- abnormally thickened endometrium
- Granulosazelltumor des Ovars
- tamoxifen associated endometrial changes
- gynäkologisch radiologisches Curriculum
- multiple endometrial polyps
- submuköses Leiomyofibrom des Uterus
- Tamoxifen induzierte Veränderungen des Endometriums