fetal hypoxia
Fetal hypoxia (FH) (also known as intrauterine hypoxia (IH)) occurs when the fetus is deprived of an adequate supply of oxygen.
Fetal hypoxia can occur from a number of reasons:
- umbilical cord prolapse
- cord occlusion or cord thrombosis
- placental infarction
- maternal smoking
- intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR): can also be a consequence
Three categories are proposed for the origins of fetal hypoxia:
Radiographic assessment
Doppler ultrasound
The severity of fetal hypoxia can be assessed with several Doppler parameters which include
- umbilical arterial Doppler assessment
- umbilical vein Doppler assessment: can become pulsatile
- fetal MCA Doppler assessment
- ductus venosus Doppler assessment
Siehe auch:
- hypoxischer Hirnschaden
- Dopplersonographie der Nabelarterie
- Intrauterine Wachstumsretardierung
- umbilical cord prolapse
- fetal MCA Doppler assessment
- Thrombose der Umbilikalarterien
- umbilical venous flow assessment
- placental infarction
- ductus venosus flow assessment
und weiter:

der Nabelarterie