fibröse Dysplasie der Mandibula

An unusual
presentation of non-specific cystic degeneration of craniofacial fibrous dysplasia: a case report and review of literature. Radiographic images of the patient’s jaw and skull. a Panoramic view of the jaw at baseline taken at the first visit to the out-patient department (2007.5). b Posteroanterior projection (PA) view of the skull at baseline taken at the first visit to the out-patient department (2007.5). c Postoperative panoramic view of the jaw taken 18 months post-surgery (2008.11). d Panoramic view of the jaw taken at the out-patient department (2018.11). e Panoramic view of the jaw after cyst enucleation of the left mandibular lesion. f Postoperative panoramic view of the jaw 6 months after the surgery in November 2018 (2019.5)

An unusual
presentation of non-specific cystic degeneration of craniofacial fibrous dysplasia: a case report and review of literature. Contrast-enhanced facial computed tomography (CECT) images of the patient. a CECT image taken at the first visit to the out-patient department (2007.5). b CECT image taken 3 months postoperatively (2007.8). c CECT image after incisional biopsy and marsupialization (2018.11). d Postoperative CECT image after cyst enucleation on the left mandible in November 2018

An unusual
presentation of non-specific cystic degeneration of craniofacial fibrous dysplasia: a case report and review of literature. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images of the patient. a CBCT image taken at the out-patient department in November 2018. b CBCT image 3 weeks after marsupialization on the left mandible. c Postoperative CBCT image after cyst enucleation on the left mandible in November 2018. d CBCT image taken 6 months after the surgery in November 2018 (2019.5)

dysplasia for radiologists: beyond ground glass bone matrix. Nuclear medicine imaging in fibrous dysplasia (FD). a Bone scans with 99m-Tc-MDP are exquisitely sensitive at detecting the presence and extend of the disease. b 18-F-NaF on the same patient with polyostotic FD demonstrates multiple areas of focal radiotracer uptake corresponding to FD lesions. c, d 18-F-NaF PET/CT shows heterogeneous uptake by the lesions in the jaw and the spine with a central photopenic area (green arrow) and a peripheral metabolically active area (red arrow)

dysplasia for radiologists: beyond ground glass bone matrix. Malignant transformation of the fibrous dysplasia (FD) lesion. A patient with known craniofacial FD (a) presented with enlarging left jaw mass (b). CT of the facial bones demonstrated an aggressive lytic lesion with soft tissue component involving the left aspect of the mandible (red arrows) (c). The pathology showed malignant transformation of the mandibular FD lesion
fibröse Dysplasie der Mandibula
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