follikuläre Variante des papillären Schilddrüsenkarzinoms

carcinoma of thyroid. US and MRI features of U5 rare malignant variant thyroid cancer. Grey scale transverse US view reveals diffuse enlargement of the right thyroid lobe with hypoechoic echotexture and multiple fine microcalcifications.

carcinoma of thyroid. US and MRI features of U5 rare malignant variant thyroid cancer. Colour Doppler application shows increased internal vascularity at the periphery of the lesion.

carcinoma of thyroid. US and MRI features of U5 rare malignant variant thyroid cancer. Colour Doppler interrogation demonstrates profuse internal vascularity within the metastatic node.

carcinoma of thyroid. US and MRI features of U5 rare malignant variant thyroid cancer. Axial T1-weighted sequence reveals the right thyroid lesion encroaching upon longus colli muscle (arrow) and the oesophagus (arrowhead). However, the fat planes are intact with no evidence of invasion.

carcinoma of thyroid. US and MRI features of U5 rare malignant variant thyroid cancer. Axial T1-FS post gadolinium. The right thyroid lobe (asterisk) is diffusely enlarged compared to the left. Both thyroid lobes and ipsilateral level III cervical nodes (arrowhead) display similar intense enhancement.

carcinoma of thyroid. US and MRI features of U5 rare malignant variant thyroid cancer. T2-weighted sequence confirms heterogeneous enlargement of the right thyroid lobe that extends into the right retropharyngeal space.
follikuläre Variante des papillären Schilddrüsenkarzinoms
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