Gefäßmalformation Milz

treatment of benign splenic lesions in pediatric patients: a case series of 30 cases from a single center. Splenic vascular malformations. A CT of splenic diffused lymphangiohemangiomatosis (white arrow shows the accessory spleen involved, Case 25). B Intraoperative picture of Case 25. C MRI of splenic diffused lymphangiomatosis (Case 20). D Intraoperative picture of Case 20. E HE staining of Case 25 shows lymphatic malformation space filled with eosinophilic amorphous proteinaceous fluid (black arrow) and capillary malformation space filled with blood (hollow arrow). F D2-40 immunohistochemical staining of Case 20 labels lymphatic endothelium
Gefäßmalformation Milz
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