
Urethral duplication is a rare condition in which either a part of the entire urethra is duplicated. It usually occurs in the sagittal plane and the more dorsal copy is usually the duplication.
A urethral duplication may occur due to a variety of developmental miscues. In a woman, it is thought to arise from delayed fusion of the Mullerian ducts and urogenital sinus .
Radiographic features
In males, a partial or complete duplication of the urethra can be seen with urethography. In males, two separate meatuses with the ability to void through both is a more common configuration.
Possible duplication of the female urethra is better studied with MRI. Two high signal-intensity central spots may be apparent on an axial view of the pelvis in the region of the urethra.
Treatment and prognosis
A small retrospective study (n=20) found the use of both buccal and urinary bladder mucosa for urethral repair have good results and that Y-type urethral duplication is most difficult to repair surgically .
Differential diagnosis
In a male, hypospadias can be considered (glanular dimple not patent).
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