inflammatorischer fibroider Polyp

inflammatory fibroid polyp of the stomach: a case report and literature review. Computed tomography (CT) findings. a Axial view. b Coronal view. c Sagittal view. CT image showing a hyper-enhancing tumor in the submucosa of the prepyloric antrum (arrows). CT showing a thickening of the muscularis propria layer and a hyper-enhancing lesion in the subserosa of the gastric antrum (arrow heads)

fibroid polyp of the ileum causing recurrent intussusception and chronic ischaemia: a case report. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography scan demonstrating a mass arising from the pelvis with a tubular appearance consistent with small bowel intussusception and mucosal oedema.

fibroid polyp of the ileum causing recurrent intussusception and chronic ischaemia: a case report. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography scan demonstrating mild dilatation of the ileum proximal to the level of the intussusception with a "telescoping" appearance of the small bowel intussusception distal to this area (T).
inflammatorischer fibroider Polyp
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- Koprolith
- inflammatorischer Pseudotumor
- Gallbladder inflammatory polyps
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- Invagination durch einen inflammatorischen fibroiden Polypen
- inflammatory fibroid polyp of the oesophagus
- inflammatorischer fibroider Polyp des Ileums
- inflammatorischer fibroider Polyp des Magens
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durch einen inflammatorischen fibroiden Polypen