Internal pudendal vein
The internal pudendal veins are the set of accompanying veins to the internal pudendal artery draining the perineal region to empty into the internal iliac vein.
Gross Anatomy
- inferior rectal veins
- males
- penile bulb and scrotum vein
- females
- clitoris and posterior labial vein
The internal pudendal veins run the same course as its corresponding artery. They begin with the deep penile/clitoral or scrotal veins before traversing the pudendal canal with the internal pudendal artery and pudendal nerve. Thereafter, they exit the pelvis via the lesser sciatic foramen and curve around the sacrospinous ligament to re-enter the pelvis via the greater sciatic foramen. They then unite to form a single vessel before emptying into the internal iliac vein.
Drains into the internal iliac vein upon re-entering the pelvis.