Intra-atrial course of the RCA

Verlauf der rechten Koronararterie als Normvariante, die bei eventuellen Katheter-Interventionen im rechten Herzen berücksichtigt werden muss. Links EKG-gegatete Computertomographie mit Kontrastmittel, Mitte mit Segmentation (Koronarien hellrot, rechter Vorhof gelb), rechts Volumen Rendering, in der man das Eintauchen der RCA in das Herz (oben) und das Austreten basal (unten) gut erkennen kann.

course of the right coronary artery • Intra-atrial course of the right coronary artery - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

course of coronary arteries • Right coronary artery intra-cavitary course - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

Intra-atrial course of the right coronary artery is an uncommon anatomic variation in the course of the right coronary artery, usually involving the mid and distal segments, where the vessel partially or completely courses through the right atrial chamber. It is the most common intracavitary (intracameral) coronary artery variant .
It is usually asymptomatic and clinically occult but is of radiological significance in any fluoroscopic procedure requiring a wire or catheter to be passed through the right atrium, in which it is prone to injury causing right coronal artery territory ischemia or infarction. It may also be injured during tricuspid valve surgery, coronary artery catheterization and bypass grafting.
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