intramedulläre spinale Tuberkulose

tuberculosıs: an old but resurgent problem. MR images of a 56-year-old male with the diagnosis of tuberculous myelitis. Sagittal T2 weighted image (a) shows a heterogeneous increased signal on the spinal cord (arrow). Pre-contrast (b) and post-contrast (c) T1 weighted images reveal linear contrast enhancement of the same region (arrows)

approach to non-compressive myelopathies. Intramedullary tuberculoma in a 35-year-old female with pulmonary tuberculosis and complaints of progressive paraparesis. Sagittal T2W image of cervico-thoracic spine (A) demonstrates a well-defined round to oval hypointense focal lesion (black arrow) within the upper thoracic spinal cord with perilesional edema (white arrow) extending craniocaudal in the cord. Mild swelling of the cord is also seen. The lesion shows thick ring enhancement on post-contrast sagittal T1 fat saturated image (B). Similar smaller lesions are also seen caudally to the above-mentioned lesion (arrow in B)

tuberculosıs: an old but resurgent problem. MR images of a 17-year-old female with the diagnosis of cervical tuberculous myelitis. Sagittal T2 weighted image (a) shows a heterogeneous increased signal (edema, inflammation) on the spinal cord (arrowheads) and focus (arrow). The cervical spinal cord is observed as an enlarged diffuse hypointense area on pre-contrast T1-weighted image (b). Post-contrast (c) T1 weighted image reveals diffuse heterogeneous and focal (arrow) contrast enhancement of the same region. The focus is a tuberculoma (arrows)
intramedulläre spinale Tuberkulose
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