intraspinales Osteochondrom

myelopathy due to a solitary osteochondroma: a case report. Preoperative plain radiograph of the cervical spine. An osseous protrusion in the right C6/7 foramen could be observed

myelopathy due to a solitary osteochondroma: a case report. Preoperative CT and MRI of the cervical spine. Sagittal and axial CT scans demonstrated an osseous tumor originating in the neighborhood of the right C6/7 facet joint. Sagittal and axial MRI revealed an extradural mass which compressed the spinal cord severely at C6/7 level

osteochondroma of the twelfth rib with intraspinal extension and cord compression in a middle-aged patient. Anteroposterior thoracolumbar plain radiograph. The radiograph shows osseous exostoses on the right side of T12-L1.

osteochondroma of the twelfth rib with intraspinal extension and cord compression in a middle-aged patient. Axial CT images. The images show an osseous mass arising from the head of the right 12th rib at the costovertebral junction with obliteration of the neural foramen and intraspinal extension.

osteochondroma of the twelfth rib with intraspinal extension and cord compression in a middle-aged patient. Axial T2-weighted MR image. The image shows an intraspinal osseous mass causing compressive myelopathy (arrows). Note 2 areas of the thin cartilaginous cap (arrowheads) on both the posterior and the intraspinal aspects of the mass.
intraspinales Osteochondrom
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