Kompressionssyndrom des Nervus radialis

Radial tunnel
syndrome • Radial nerve anatomy (illustrations) - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

entrapment syndromes of the upper limb: a pictorial review. The radial nerve is shown. The most common entrapment neuropathy of the radial nerve is of the deep branch as it traverses the arcade of Frohse

entrapment syndromes of the upper limb: a pictorial review. Stack of PD axials of the upper forearm of a 55-year-old male post distal biceps tendon repair. The biceps tendon (a, b, c, white arrows) is intact although thickened just proximal to the tunnel entry. The radial nerve above the elbow appears normal (a, blue arrow). The superficial branch (b, yellow arrow) comes close to scarring around the enlarged biceps tendon and appears adherent. The deep branch (c, orange arrow) continues without abnormality to the supinator

entrapment syndromes of the upper limb: a pictorial review. PDFS (a) and PD sequence (b) of 40-year-old male with anconeus denervation oedema (white arrows) due to radial nerve neuropathy. The anconeus is supplied by the radial nerve before it bifurcates into the deep motor and superficial sensory branches, hence the cause of neuropathy in this case will be proximal to the bifurcation
Kompressionssyndrom des Nervus radialis
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