kongenitale Malformation des äußeren Ohres

External and
middle ear diseases: radiological diagnosis based on clinical signs and symptoms. Congenital external ear malformation. Axial CT scan shows significantly narrowed EAC with soft tissue and bone obliteration

External and
middle ear diseases: radiological diagnosis based on clinical signs and symptoms. Congenital external ear malformation. Axial CT scan, bone window. Deformed ossicular chain is visible within hypoplastic tympanic cavity. Proper malleus and incus together with malleo-incudal joint can not be identified, instead, there is a V-shaped bony structure, representing the fused malleo-incudal complex

External and
middle ear diseases: radiological diagnosis based on clinical signs and symptoms. Severe external and middle ear deformity accompanying Goldenhar syndrome (oculoauricular dysplasia). Coronal CT scan shows, that tympanic bone, forming the floor of EAC is absent. It also results in temporomandibular joint incomplete formation
kongenitale Malformation des äußeren Ohres
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