Krenning score of neuroendocrine tumor uptake
The Krenning score is a proposed semi-quantitative method of assessing the degree of tracer uptake on octreotide scintigraphy.
Initially designed for assessment of In-DTPA on planar imaging, the Krenning score is applicable to SPECT or PET/CT using various radiopharmaceuticals.
Determination of the Krenning score requires comparison to the liver and spleen (or kidney if not applicable).
Relative uptake score
- 0: none
- 1: much lower than liver
- 2: slightly less than or equal to liver
- 3: greater than liver
- 4: greater than spleen
Important points
- the commonest contemporary application of the Krenning score is to assess candidacy for peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT), such as Lu-DOTATATE, usually with a score greater than 2
- false-positive localization in general for somatostatin scintigraphy may be as high as 12% and thus scoring and interpretation should take place in the appropriate clinical context (e.g. serum chromogranin A, urine 5-HIAA, and tumor grade)
- the scale has shown potential for use in other somatostatin receptor imaging modalities such as Ga-DOTATATE PET/CT
History and etymology
The notion of grading neuroendocrine tumor uptake was introduced by Eric Krenning, a Dutch physician, who led whole-body efforts into somatostatin receptor imaging .