Leptomeningeal drop-metastases

drop-metastases • Leptomeningeal drop metastases - medulloblastoma - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

and intramedullary metastases of glioblastoma multiforme in a patient reoperated during adjuvant radiochemotherapy. Radiological evaluation of the spinal cord. MRI of the cervical spine demonstrated an enhancing cervical leptomeningeal metastases (arrows) at the level C3 to C7. (A, T1-weighted image). Additionally, at the T8 to T10 level, MRI also revealed intramedullary metastases with extensive contrast enhancement, central necrosis and vasogenic edema (arrows) (B, T1-weighted image) and C (T2-weighted image).
Leptomeningeal drop-metastases correspond to a CNS primary neoplasm spread inferiorly along the cerebrospinal spaces. It is usually presented as diffuse enhancing nodules along the spine and cauda equina.
Please refer on leptomeningeal metastases to a broad discussion on this entity.
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