lumbar schwannoma

A picture is
worth a thousand... differential diagnosis: lumbar cystic schwannoma. Marked peripheral ring-like enhancement with central area of low signal of the mass in T1-weighted postcontrast images. Sagittal plane.

A picture is
worth a thousand... differential diagnosis: lumbar cystic schwannoma. Intraforaminal soft tissue, round in shape, mass with maximum diameter of 20mm at L4 level, widening neural exit foramina with vertebral body scalloping.

A picture is
worth a thousand... differential diagnosis: lumbar cystic schwannoma. Density varies from hypodense to slightly hyperdense.

A picture is
worth a thousand... differential diagnosis: lumbar cystic schwannoma. Homogeneous slight contrast enhancement. Axial plane.

A picture is
worth a thousand... differential diagnosis: lumbar cystic schwannoma. Coronal plane.

A picture is
worth a thousand... differential diagnosis: lumbar cystic schwannoma. Sagittal plane.

A picture is
worth a thousand... differential diagnosis: lumbar cystic schwannoma. Hypointense in T1-weighted images mass at L4 level. Sagittal plane.

A picture is
worth a thousand... differential diagnosis: lumbar cystic schwannoma. Hypointense in T1-weighted images mass at L4 level. Axial plane.

A picture is
worth a thousand... differential diagnosis: lumbar cystic schwannoma. Hyperintense in T1-weighted images mass at L4 level. Sagittal plane.

A picture is
worth a thousand... differential diagnosis: lumbar cystic schwannoma. Marked peripheral ring-like enhancement with central area of low signal of the mass in T1-weighted postcontrast images. Axial plane.

diagnosis of lumbar spinal nerve root tumour. Ultrasound image shows a 5x4.5 cm size mixed heterogeneous well-defined lesion in the right paraspinal region. The lesion displaces the right psoas muscle (outlined by white arrows) anteromedially.

diagnosis of lumbar spinal nerve root tumour. High resolution colour Doppler scan shows that the lesion is well defined, mildly heterogeneous and with internal vascularity.

diagnosis of lumbar spinal nerve root tumour. Coronal plain CT image shows a well-defined homogeneous soft tissue density lesion in continuity with the nerve root. Absent right kidney is noted.

diagnosis of lumbar spinal nerve root tumour. A well-defined soft tissue density lesion (white star) in right paraspinal region arises eccentrically from the exiting nerve root at L3 vertebra (white arrows). The lesion displaces the right psoas muscle (gray arrow) anteriorly.

diagnosis of lumbar spinal nerve root tumour. Coronal T2 weighted MR image shows a well defined heterogeneously hyperintense lesion with peripheral hypointense rim arising from exiting nerve root at L3 vertebra.
Schwannom der LWS
lumbar schwannoma
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