
lymphangiomatosis. Coronal T2w image shows two high-signal intensity fluid masses involving both lower neck regions, and some focal high signal intensity lesions involving some cervical vertebrae.

lymphangiomatosis. Coronal T2w Fat-Sat image shows, on left side, a septated mass extending to the anterior mediastinum. Some focal high signal intensity lesions involve some ribs.

lymphangiomatosis. Sagittal T2w image shows a fluid collection on the left side with a maximum diameter of about 75mm.

lymphangiomatosis. Sagittal T2w image shows a fluid collection on the right side with a maximum diameter of about 35mm.

lymphangiomatosis. T2w image: some focal high signal intensity lesions involving some cervical and dorsal vertebrae.

lymphangiomatosis. T2w image: some focal high signal intensity lesions involving some cervical and dorsal vertebrae.

lymphangiomatosis. Axial T2w Fat-Sat image shows some high signal intensity lesions involving some ribs and the sternum. At the same level T1w axial image shows iso-hypointense lesions (fig. 3d).

lymphangiomatosis. Axial T2w Fat-Sat image shows some high signal intensity lesions involving some ribs and the sternum. At the same level T1w axial image shows iso-hypointense lesions (fig. 3f).

Abdominal and
thoracic lymphangioma with unusual imaging. Axial CT post-contrast porto-venous phase shows diffuse tissue thickening in the right paracardiac region (arrow).
Von einer Lymphangiomatose spricht man, wenn nicht ein einzelnes Lymphangiom als singuläre Raumforderung vorliegt, sondern wenn die Fehlbildungen weitverbreitet oder an verschiedenen Lokalisationen im Körper vorkommen.
Siehe auch:
- Lymphangiom
- oberflächliche Weichteilläsionen der Extremitäten
- Weichteiltumoren der Extremitäten
- multiple T2 hyperintense ossäre Läsionen
- Lymphangiomatöser Gigantismus
- abdominale Lymphangiomatose
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