Malignant ovarian lesions (sonographic features)
Malignant ovarian lesions can have typical sonographic features, and thus ultrasound is the imaging of choice for initial evaluation of suspected ovarian neoplasm.
Radiographic features
The features of malignant ovarian neoplasm on ultrasonography include:
- solid tumor
- mass >10 cm with loculation
- mural nodule
- thick and irregular walled cyst
- cyst with thick septae (>3 mm)
- poorly defined margins
- adherent bowel loops
- ascites
- resistive index (RI) <0.4-0.8
- pulsatility index (PI) <1.0
See also
- IOTA ultrasound rules for ovarian masses
- O-RADS ultrasound risk stratification and management system
- gynecologic imaging reporting and data system (GI-RADS)