Melnick–Needles syndrome

A family of
Melnick-Needles syndrome: a case report. Plain radiographs of the patient at age 16 months. Overall, the patient’s bones were curved and thin. Bone age was not delayed, but her bones did not have normal alignment or cortical bone maturity and showed osteodysplasia. a, b, red arrow The patient had a thoracolumbar kyphoscoliosis with a humeral cortical irregularity and thin, wavy ribs. c, red circle Bilateral bowed leg deformities with Erlenmeyer flask deformity were observed. d, e The pubis and ischium were hypoplastic, and coxa valga was present bilaterally. f The ulna and radius were curved. g Bone age was normal, according to the hand radiographs

A family of
Melnick-Needles syndrome: a case report. Photographs and plain radiographs of the patient’s mother. Overall, the patient’s mother had relatively mild deformities, when compared with the patient. a, b Like the patient, she had full cheeks and micrognathia,which were mild. c, d, e She also had mild lumbar scoliosis, kyphosis, and minimally bowed legs bilaterally

A family of
Melnick-Needles syndrome: a case report. Photographs and plain radiographs of the patient’s older sister. a, b The patient’s older sister had a nearly normal-appearing face. c, d At 6 years of age, plain radiographs revealed normal spine alignment. e However, bilateral coxa valga and Erlenmeyer flask deformities were noted at 6 years of age. f, g At age 9 years, thoracolumbar kyphoscoliosis was apparent. h The coxa valga and Erlenmeyer flask deformities were still present

A new case of
Melnick-Needles syndrome with skeletal manifestations: A case report: Fig. 4. Plain Radiographic shown; A. skull bony sclerosis B. Wrist radiography shown that lower than 3 years bone aged (hamate and capitate were showed)

A new case of
Melnick-Needles syndrome with skeletal manifestations: A case report: Fig. 3. Plain radiographic shown; bilateral coxa valga and thin pubic, B. bilateral genu-valgum, tibial bowing and distal femur Erlenmeyer flask deformity, C. right humerus bowing and cortical irregularity.