Meningothelial meningioma

Meningothelial meningiomas (also known as syncytial or endothelial meningiomas) are the most common histological subtype of meningioma, found in ~60% of all meningiomas, most frequently combined with fibrous meningioma (40%) or in isolation (17%) .
Their epidemiology, clinical presentation, radiographic features, treatment, prognosis, and differential diagnosis are therefore discussed in the main article (see meningioma) and are not repeated here.
Meningothelial meningiomas most closely resemble arachnoid cap cells and are characterized by sheets, whorls or syncytia of neoplastic cells which have round or oval centrally located nuclei with dispersed chromatin, smooth nuclear profiles and small indistinct nucleoli. They also sometimes demonstrate eosinophilic cytoplasmic invaginations (a.k.a. intranuclear pseudoinclusions) . Lobules of the tumor are separated from each other with collagen sheets .
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