Fibrous meningioma
Fibrous meningiomas (also known as fibroblastic meningiomas) are the second most common histological subtype of meningioma, found in ~50% of all meningiomas, usually along with meningothelial histology (40%) or in isolation (7%). They are, for some reason, the most common intraventricular meningioma histological subtype.
Their epidemiology, clinical presentation, treatment, prognosis, and differential diagnosis are therefore discussed in the main article (see meningioma) and are not repeated here.
Fibrous meningiomas are characterized by spindle-shaped tumor cells, with narrow rod-shaped nuclei. These cells are embedded in abundant collagenous or reticulum background. Whorls are far less common than in meningothelial meningiomas, and psammoma bodies are only occasionally encountered .
Radiographic features
Although generally, they have very similar appearances to meningothelial meningiomas (most commonly they are mixed in, and known as transitional meningioma), in very collagenous tumors, fibrous meningiomas can have a lower T2 signal.
Differential diagnosis
The differential diagnosis is included in the general meningioma article. It should be noted that in very fibrous tumors, which have a lower T2 signal, the differential specifically includes: