Migration eines Bandscheibensequesters

migration of lumbar disk fragment to the posterior epidural space. Sagittal T1WI showed hypointense nodular lesion at the posterior epidural space at the L3-L4 level.

migration of lumbar disk fragment to the posterior epidural space. Sagittal T2WI. Hyperintense nodular lesion at the posterior epidural space at the L3-L4 level.

migration of lumbar disk fragment to the posterior epidural space. Axial T2WI. Hyperintense nodular lesion at the posterior epidural space, compressing the dura.

migration of lumbar disk fragment to the posterior epidural space. Sagittal gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted MRI with fat saturation shows a rim enhancement at the disk fragment level. There is also evidence of enhancement of the nerve roots of the cauda equina following inflammatory changes.

migration of lumbar disk fragment to the posterior epidural space. A tract like structure with enhancement extends to the disc L3-L4 in right side edge suggesting the route of the migration.
Migration eines Bandscheibensequesters
sequestrierter Diskusprolaps Radiopaedia • CC-by-nc-sa 3.0 • de
Sequestrated disc, also referred to as a free disc fragment, corresponds to extruded disc material that has no continuity with the parent disc and is displaced away from the site of extrusion. By definition, it corresponds to a subtype of disc extrusion.
The term "migrated" disc refers only to position and not to the continuity of disc substance. So, this term can be used when referring either to extruded discs that still have continuity or those without, i.e. sequestrated (e.g. disc extrusion migrated caudally, sequestrated disc migrated cranially).
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