Mucinous cystic neoplasm of the pancreas

pancreatic lesions: MR imaging findings and management. Mucinous cystadenoma, multilocular pattern. On T2w axial sequence (a), a large multilocular cyst is appreciable in the tail of the pancreas. The multilocular pattern is better appreciable on coronal T2w sequence (b). Administration of paramagnetic contrast media was avoided as patient was pregnant. On axial T1w scan (c), an hyperintense deposit is appreciable in the lower part of the cyst, corresponding to mucin deposit

cystic neoplasm of the pancreas activated during pregnancy. Imaging studies. (a) A 60-mm cystic mass was detected in the body and tail of the pancreas without a mural nodule or thickening of the wall by abdominal ultrasound (during the fourth month of gestation). (b) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a 76 × 69-mm cystic tumor (arrow), in which the contents were hyperintense in T2-weighted imaging. There were septa in the tumor, and one part of it was thickened and enhanced. (c) Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography-computed tomography (FDG-PET/CT) showed high uptake (arrow) in part of the cystic tumor (SUVmax 3.03).

lesions of the pancreas (differential) • Pancreatic mucinous cystadenoma - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

cystic neoplasms of the pancreas • Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma of panceas - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

papillary mucinous neoplasm • Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm - tail of pancreas - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

cystic neoplasms of the pancreas • Mucinous cystadenoma of the pancreas - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
Mucinous cystic neoplasms of the pancreas are the most common cystic neoplasm of the pancreas and include:
- mucinous cystadenoma of pancreas
- mucinous cystadenocarcinoma of pancreas
- intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMN) of the pancreas: sometimes classified separately
Siehe auch:
- zystische Pankreasläsionen
- intraduktale papillär muzinöse Neoplasie
- muzinöses Zystadenom des Pankreas
- muzinöses Zystadenokarzinom des Pankreas
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