muzinöses Zystadenom des Pankreas

pancreatic lesions: MR imaging findings and management. Mucinous cystadenoma, multilocular pattern. On T2w axial sequence (a), a large multilocular cyst is appreciable in the tail of the pancreas. The multilocular pattern is better appreciable on coronal T2w sequence (b). Administration of paramagnetic contrast media was avoided as patient was pregnant. On axial T1w scan (c), an hyperintense deposit is appreciable in the lower part of the cyst, corresponding to mucin deposit

pancreatic lesions: MR imaging findings and management. Mucinous cystadenoma, multilocular pattern. At unenhanced CT (a), a large cyst with a tiny septum is visible in the tail of the pancreas, which shows a slight enhancement after contrast media administration (b). On T1w fat-saturated GRE image (c), some hyperintense foci are visible in the inferolateral aspect of the cyst, which do not show significant enhancement after injection of paramagnetic contrast media (d), related to mucin content

cystic neoplasm of the pancreas activated during pregnancy. Imaging studies. (a) A 60-mm cystic mass was detected in the body and tail of the pancreas without a mural nodule or thickening of the wall by abdominal ultrasound (during the fourth month of gestation). (b) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a 76 × 69-mm cystic tumor (arrow), in which the contents were hyperintense in T2-weighted imaging. There were septa in the tumor, and one part of it was thickened and enhanced. (c) Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography-computed tomography (FDG-PET/CT) showed high uptake (arrow) in part of the cystic tumor (SUVmax 3.03).

A case of
ruptured mucinous cystadenoma of the pancreas with recurrence-free survival for 8 years. Computed tomography (CT) at onset revealed the presence of a cystic tumor measuring 60 mm in diameter in the pancreatic tail (a, arrow). Enhanced CT in our department also revealed a tumor in the pancreatic tail with an internal septal formation (b). There was no evidence of a nodular lesion in the tumor or ascites.

A case of
ruptured mucinous cystadenoma of the pancreas with recurrence-free survival for 8 years. a T1-weighted image. A cystic tumor with an internal septal formation was present in the pancreatic tail. The cystic lesion showed a hypo-intense signal with nodular lesion (arrow). b T2-weighted image. The cystic lesion showed a hyperintense signal with nodular lesion (arrow)

A case of
ruptured mucinous cystadenoma of the pancreas with recurrence-free survival for 8 years. Endoscopic ultrasound revealed a multilocular cystic tumor (a) with nodular lesion (b, arrow).
Mucinous cystadenomas (MCN) of the pancreas are a type of mucinous cystic neoplasm of the pancreas.
Previously believed to occur exclusively in middle age females , it has occasionally been described in males .
It is a large uni/multilocular cystic pancreatic neoplasm lined by columnar mucinous epithelium. While mucinous cystadenomas very infrequently communicate with the pancreatic duct , they can cause partial pancreatic ductal obstruction . They are considered premalignant or malignant lesions with usually elevated CEA and CA 19-9 serum levels.
Largely (~80%) occur in the body or tail of the pancreas, and less commonly in the head of the pancreas (~20%) .
Radiographic features
- the tumor contour tends to be rounded or ovoid although this is not an absolutely specific feature
- associated calcification when present tends to be more peripheral
- contents of the lesion may be heterogenous in attenuation
- internal septations may be present and tend to be linear or curvilinear
Differential diagnosis
On ultrasound or CT consider:
- mucinous cystadenocarcinoma of the pancreas: at times almost impossible to differentiate on ultrasound or CT from a mucinous cystadenoma
- pancreatic pseudocyst
- oligocystic variant of serous cystadenoma of the pancreas
- pancreatic hydatid cyst
Siehe auch:
- Pankreaspseudozyste
- zystische Pankreasläsionen
- seröses Zystadenom des Pankreas
- muzinöses Zystadenokarzinom des Pankreas
- muzinös zystische Neoplasien des Pankreas
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