muscles of the shoulder
Muscles of the shoulder can be subdivided into a variety of groups depending on origin, topography, function or innervation. The system used here groups the muscles based on their function and topography (which are closely related in the upper limb):
Muscles of the shoulder girdle
Muscles that have migrated from the head
Posterior muscles of the trunk and shoulder girdle
Anterior muscles of the trunk and shoulder girdle
Muscles of the shoulder joint
Rotator cuff
Posterior muscle group
Anterior muscle group
Siehe auch:
- Unterschenkelmuskeln
- Sehnenfächer Handgelenk
- Handmuskeln
- Oberschenkelmuskeln
- Fußmuskeln
- Unterarmmuskeln
- Musculus pectoralis major
- Rotatorenmanschette
- Musculus teres minor
- Musculus infraspinatus
- Musculus supraspinatus
- Oberarmmuskulatur
- Musculus subscapularis
- Skelettmuskeln
- Sehnenfächer Sprunggelenk
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