Musculus subscapularis

The subscapularis muscle is one of the four muscles that make up the rotator cuff, the others being: supraspinatus, infraspinatus and teres minor.
- origin: subscapular fossa of the scapula
- insertion: lesser tubercle of the humerus
- some fibers also extend to the greater tubercle and bicipital groove
- arterial supply: suprascapular, axillary and subscapular arteries
- innervation: upper and lower subscapular nerves (C5-6)
- action: internal rotation of the humerus, adduction of the humerus, stabilizes the shoulder joint
- bursa: lies between subscapularis tendon and glenoid neck
- communicates with the joint cavity via the foramen of Weitbrecht (between the superior and middle glenohumeral ligament)
Siehe auch:
- Rotatorenmanschette
- Musculus teres minor
- Musculus infraspinatus
- Musculus supraspinatus
- Ruptur der Subscapularissehne
und weiter:
- Ruptur ischiocrurale Muskulatur
- Bursa subacromialis
- Schulter Anatomie
- Oberarmmuskulatur
- Schultermuskulatur
- Schultersonographie
- rotator cuff interval
- quadrangular space
- Impingement der Schulter
- Schultergelenksmuskulatur
- Ansatz am Tuberculum minus
- subakromiales Impingement
- subscapularis rupture
- Hämatom im Musculus subscapularis
- subcoracoidales Impingement