Musculus corrugator supercilii
durch den Kopf, Sicht von dorsal. Darstellung der Orbita nach Entfernung des Corpus adiposum, Glandula lacrimalis, des Auges und seiner Muskeln. Sicht auf Mm. Tarsales inf. et sup., sowie M. Orbicularis. Darstellung des Sinus maxillaris und frontalis, sowie der Nasenhöhle und Cellulae ethmoidales sup. Sondengängige Verbindungen der Nasenhöhlen durch Hiatus semilunaris. Ebenfalls gezeigt, der Ductus nasolacrimalis.
An anatomical
illustration from the 1909 American edition of Sobotta"s Atlas and Text-book of Human Anatomy with English terminology
An anatomical
illustration from the 1909 American edition of Sobotta"s Atlas and Text-book of Human Anatomy with English terminology
The corrugator supercilii muscles are two small, triangular muscles of facial expression, which contribute to movement of the eyebrows, including frowning. They are located deep to the frontal part of occipitofrontalis and orbicularis oculi muscles, with which they blend .
- origin: medial end of the supraorbital margins
- insertion: deep to the skin above the middle of the supraorbital margins
- innervation: facial nerve (VII)
- action: frowning, furrowing the forehead, drawing eyebrows inferomedially
Arterial supply
- branches from nearby superficial temporal and ophthalmic arteries
- temporal branches of the facial nerve
- combines its actions with orbicularis oculi muscle to pull the eyebrows medially and downwards in bright environments to shield the eyes (e.g. in sunlight)
- frowning
- responsible for producing vertical wrinkles on the supranasal strip of the forehead
See also
- facial muscles
- facial nerve
- orbicularis oculi muscle
- occipitofrontalis muscle
- ophthalmic artery
- superficial temporal artery
- supraorbital margins
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Assoziationen und Differentialdiagnosen zu Musculus corrugator supercilii: