nuclear magnetic resonance

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a powerful technique which allows the study of the magnetic properties of an atom's nucleus . It involves placing nuclei within an external magnetic field enabling thus them to undergo precession . The 'resonance' part of the names implies the fact that a second (usually perpendicular) radiofrequency pulse tuned to the precessional frequency of target nuclei allows them to absorb and then emit electromagnetic energy .
Nuclear magnetic resonance is exploited in a number disciplines and fields, including magnetic resonance imaging, molecular physics and chemistry. An offshoot of this technique, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy allows precise analysis of molecular constitution of a chemical microenvironment .
Siehe auch:
- zipper artifact
- MR Pulse Sequenzen - Abkürzungen
- MR spectroscopy
- Suszeptibilitätsartefakt
- black boundary artifact
- chemical shift artifact
- MRT Sequenzen
- Einfaltungsartefakte
- zebra stripes
- Gradientenechosequenz
- spin echo sequences
- Gibbs-Artefakte
- entry slice phenomenon
- diffusionsgewichtete Bildgebung
- gastrointestinal MRI contrast agents
- Artefakte in der Magnetresonanztomographie
- magic angle effect
- relaxation
- 1,5 Tesla versus 3 Tesla
- moire fringes
- Time-of-Flight-MRA
- ferromagnetism
- precession
- Funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie
- Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis
- fat suppressed imaging sequences
- slice-overlap artifact
- phase contrast imaging
- t2* relaxation
- central point artifact
- MRT Sicherheit
- T2 relaxation
- paramagnetism
- K-space
- acquisition time
- trade offs
- saturation recovery sequences
- intravascular (blood pool) MRI contrast agents
- reticuloendothelial MRI contrast agents
- magnetism
- hepatobiliary MRI contrast agents
- diamagnetism
- zero-fill artifact
- superparamagnetism
- intravenous MRI contrast agents
- magnets
- aliasing
- Fourier transformation
- cross excitation
- MR safety
- T1 relaxation
- tumor-specific MRI contrast agents
- resonance and radiofrequency (RF)
- RF overflow artifacts
- IR - inversion recovery
- diastolic pseudogating
- MR contrast agents
- resolution
- electronics and data processing
- Ortskodierung
- vascular sequences (MRA / MRV)
- radiofrequency and gradient coils
und weiter:
- vegetable and plant inspired signs
- Grundlagen der Magnetresonanz-Tomographie
- neuroradiologisches Curriculum
- B0
- larmor frequency
- paramagnetic contrast agents
- rosette-forming glioneuronal tumours
- annular fissure
- Tomografie
- T1 gewichtete Bildgebung
- Rosettenbildender glioneuronaler Tumor
- CT vs MRI
- Flip-Winkel
- net magnitisation vector
- Radiologie Technik