
Onkozytom der
rechten Niere (im Bild links) in der Computertomographie. Typisches Radspeichenphänomen. die meisten Onkozytome sind jedoch ct-morphologisch nicht von anderen Nierentumoren, insbesondere vom klarzelligen Nierenzellkarzinom zu unterscheiden.

A rare case
of renal oncocytoma associated with erythrocytosis: case report. Preoperative MRI. MRI showing a solid right lower pole mass, well circumscribed with inhomogeneous internal structure.

back-to-back tumor composed of papillary renal cell carcinoma and oncocytoma treated by laparoscopic partial nephrectomy: a case report. Location of the tumor visualized by computed tomography. The arrow shows a well- marginated, multiseptated mass in the lower pole of the right kidney

Spindle cell
oncocytoma of the adenohypophysis in a woman: a case report and review of the literature. (A) Coronal magnetic resonance imaging studies showing a sellar mass with suprasellar extension but no invasive growth (arrow). (B) T1-weighted image showing the enhancement of the mass (arrow).

Parotid gland
oncocytoma: a case report. Computer tomography (CT) findings: tumour mass of the left parotid gland.