ossification centers of the elbow

centers of the elbow • Elbow ossification centers - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

centers of the elbow • Pediatric elbow anatomy (illustrations) - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

centers of the elbow • Elbow radiograph - age two - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

centers of the elbow • Elbow radiograph - age four - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

centers of the elbow • Elbow radiograph - age five - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

centers of the elbow • Elbow radiograph - age nine - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

centers of the elbow • Elbow radiograph - age eleven - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
There are six ossification centers of the elbow that appear and develop in a relatively reproducible fashion, and are key to assessment of the pediatric elbow radiograph. Timing of their appearance varies in the literature but an approximation is given below. A useful mnemonic to remember the order of development is CRITOL or CRITOE (see video below).
- capitellum: 2-24 months
- radial head: 3-6 years
- internal (medial) epicondyle: 4-7 years
- trochlea: 8-10 years
- olecranon 8-10 years
- external (lateral) epicondyle: 10-13 years
See also
Siehe auch:
- akzessorische Knochen am Ellenbogen
- Ellenbogen
- Abrissfraktur Epikondylus ulnaris
- Ossifikationszentren
- Radiusköpfchen
- Ossifikationszentrum Capitulum humeri
und weiter:
- Monteggia-Fraktur
- Radiusköpfchenluxation
- suprakondyläre Humerusfrakturen
- elbow ossification (mnemonic)
- sekundäre Ossifikationszentren
- Epicondylus radialis Fraktur
- MRT kindlicher Ellenbogen
- primäre Ossifikationszentren
- Ellenbogenfraktur
- kindliches Ellenbogentrauma
- fishtail deformity of the elbow
- Normalbefund Ellenbogen Kinder