Osteoblastom der Halswirbelsäule

osteoblastoma: a retrospective study of 35 patients’ imaging findings with an emphasis on MRI. A 31-year-old man with multifocal lesions. a Shows representative images of with a lesion on the left accessory of C4. CT shows two obvious niduses in the accessory. Contrast enhancement on MRI can show the lesions well, with both the nidus and surrounding edema exhibiting intense enhancement (b)

osteoblastoma: a retrospective study of 35 patients’ imaging findings with an emphasis on MRI. A 24-year-old woman with characteristic edema on FS T2WI. a Shows a lesion on the left accessory of C6. Both the soft tissue edema (STE) and bone marrow edema (BME) are evaluated as Grade 4, and the STE does not affect the subcutaneous fat. b, c Show the middle and right sides of the vertebra, respectively. BME in the vertebral body with eccentric distribution (b). The BME spreads inward from the side of the nidus (b) and sometimes affects the entire vertebral body (b, c). The vertebra containing the nidus showing the largest BME (a, b); the size of the BME in other vertebra is inversely proportional to the distance from the nidus

Treatment of
osteoblastoma at C3-4 in a child: a case report. Preoperative radiographs. (A): Anteroposterior view shows an oval high-intensity area and a well-defined rim from C3 to C4 in the right side. (B): Lateral radiograph shows a lesion arising from the posterior arch of C3-4. (C) and (D): Postoperative anteroposterior and lateral plain radiographs show the tumor has been removed grossly and internal fixation has been performed.

Treatment of
osteoblastoma at C3-4 in a child: a case report. Computed tomography indicates the presence of a massive tumor from right lamina of C3 and extending to the spinal canal. The tumoral mass circumference has a sclerosis band, and the inhomogeneous matrix ossification is presented in the lesion. The canal of vertebral artery is also encroached by the lesion.

Treatment of
osteoblastoma at C3-4 in a child: a case report. The tumor contained a low-intensity center in T1W (A) and high-intensity center in T2W images (B), combined with intermedial and outer lesion matrix ossification signals.
Osteoblastom der Halswirbelsäule
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