Ovarian embryonal carcinoma
Ovarian embryonal carcinomas are rare and malignant germ cell tumors of the ovary.
It is found predominantly in children and adolescents (average age 14 years).
Clinical presentation
Precocious puberty or menstrual irregularity occurs in 60% . The tumor can secrete beta-hCG and/or AFP.
Pure embryonal carcinoma is rare and embryonal carcinoma often occurs mixed with other malignant germ cell tumor types.
Radiographic features
Predominantly solid, but nonspecific imaging features on ultrasound, CT, and MRI, that overlap with other germ cell tumors . Abnormal serum markers in the setting of an adolescent with a unilateral solid ovarian mass would put the tumor on a differential diagnosis.
Treatment and prognosis
For this malignant tumor, staging laparotomy and salpingo-oophorectomy is an accepted treatment, followed by chemotherapy.