Pleuro-pulmonales Blastom

blastoma • Pleuropulmonary blastoma - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

Type III
pleuropulmonary blastoma in a 7-month-old female baby with impending respiratory failure: a case report. Computed tomography scanning of the thorax. Demonstrating the presence of an enormous mass, causing a tracheal displacement with complete collapse of the lung parenchyma (A) with structural alteration in the 6th right coastal arc, along the midaxillary line (B) better demonstrated by the three-dimensional reconstruction (C).

Wilms tumor,
pleuropulmonary blastoma, and DICER1: case report and literature review. CT scan evolution through pre-operative chemotherapy. a, b Pulmonary and renal lesions at diagnosis. c, d Good response after WT chemotherapy. e, f Dramatic pre-operative evolution after modification of the chemotherapy drugs, which led to emergency pneumonectomy due to acute symptoms. Arrows indicate the narrowing pulmonary artery
Pulmonary blastomas (PBs) comprise a rare group of lung tumors principally consisting of immature mesenchymal and epithelial structures that structurally mimic the embryonic lung.
Traditionally they were classified as
- well-differentiated fetal adenocarcinoma (WDFA) of lung - now considered removed from this category
- classic / biphasic pulmonary blastoma (CBPB)
- pleuropulmonary blastoma (PPB) - sometimes regarded as a separate entity,
Siehe auch:
- Bronchogene Zyste
- sarkomatoides Karzinom der Lunge
- kongenitale pulmonale Atemwegsmalformation (CPAM)
- intrathoracic sarcomas
- Lungentumoren bei Kindern
- Primitiver neuroektodermaler Tumor
- pulmonary blastoma in a pediatric case
- pneumoblastoma in an adult
- maligne Lungentumoren bei Kindern
und weiter:

pulmonale Atemwegsmalformation (CPAM)