primäre Hydatidzyste der Muskulatur

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Every Day Hydatid Cyst. Ultrasound axial image of a multicystic lesion in the thigh with simple cysts and some with ecogenic debris inside. Notice the absence of Doppler signal.

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Every Day Hydatid Cyst. MRI T2-weighted images on coronal (A) and sagittal (B) planes showing a high signal multicystic lesion separated by thick septa, with no solid component on the right adductor muscles

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Every Day Hydatid Cyst. MRI axial T1-weigthed image (A) and fat supressed T1-weighted image (B) show no loss of signal intensity, which is demonstrative of absence of macroscopic fat within the lesion

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Every Day Hydatid Cyst. Post contrast-enhanced axial T1 FAT-SAT MR images only showed enhancement of the peripheral capsule

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Every Day Hydatid Cyst. MRI axial fat supressed T2-weighted images demonstrating the presence of daughter cysts adjacent to the lesion
primäre Hydatidzyste der Muskulatur
muskuloskelettale Bandwurmerkrankung Radiopaedia • CC-by-nc-sa 3.0 • de
Musculoskeletal hydatid infections are a very rare form of hydatid disease.
For a general discussion, and for links to other system-specific manifestations, please refer to the article on hydatid disease.
Clinical presentation
Patients usually present with slow-growing swelling with or without pain.
They can present almost anywhere, but most common locations are:
- vertebrae (see spinal hydatid disease) and para-vertebral soft tissue
- pelvis
- femur and soft tissue of lower limb
- tibia
Radiographic features
Plain radiograph
- may show expansile lytic lesion in the involved bone which can be unilocular or multilocular with coarse trabeculae
- thinning of cortex
- adjacent soft tissue swelling may be seen due to direct extension from the bone or co-existing multiple soft tissue lesions
Ultrasound may depict lesions in the soft tissue which can be solitary/multiple unilocular/multilocular/complex cystic lesions and/or atypical solid hypoechoic lesion.
Better delineates expansile unilocular or multilocular lytic lesion and demonstrates any soft tissue extension. Co-existing soft tissue multilocular cysts may be seen.
- T1: hypointense cyst
- may show low-intensity rim
- T1 C+: shows wall enhancement
- T2: hyperintense cyst (uni/multilocular) with a low-intensity rim
- water lilly sign may be seen
Differential diagnosis
- osteomyelitis
- lytic bone lesions
- tuberculous spondylitis
- abscess
- soft tissue tumor (benign/malignant)
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