proximaler Hamstringausriss

Tear of the
hamstrings muscles at the ischial tuberosity seen on MRI (coronal STIR). The arrowheads indicate the tuber and the retracted tendon stump. Significant bleeding around and into the muscles.

im Tuber ischiadicum nach Refixations-Operation bei vollständiger Hamstring-Ruptur bei einem ca. 40-jährigen.

im Tuber ischiadicum beidseits zur Refixation eines Ausrisses der ischiocruralen Muskulatur (zweizeitig).

avulsion fractures of the pelvis and hip • Ischial tuberosity avulsion injury - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

avulsion injury • Ischial tuberosity avulsion injury - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

avulsion injury • Ischial tuberosity avulsion fracture - chronic - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

avulsion injury • Ischial tuberosity avulsion with heterotopic bone formation - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
Ischial avulsion injuries are considered the most severe hamstring injury and often require surgical repair.
These are rare injuries and are more common in adolescents than in adults .
In adolescents, the injury involves avulsion of the apophysis causing a small fragment of bone to detach .
In adults, ischial avulsions are usually tendinous only with no bone involvement. The most common pattern being the conjoint tendon (of semitendinosus and biceps femoris) fully detaching with a partial or full-thickness injury of semimembranosus .
See also
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