Radiology training in the UK
Entry to radiology training in the UK is very competitive, for a perennially popular specialty.
The Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) sets the core and subspecialty curricula for training in clinical radiology in the UK. Training is usually taken over a 5 year period with core (general) training across the first three years, and subspecialty training for the last two years. Some trainees undertake further subspecialty training in the UK or overseas, informally known as a fellowship, not to be confused with the Fellowship of the Royal College of Radiologists (FRCR).
Entry to training is nationwide through a central interview process. Entrants are post-Foundation training upwards.
As registrars progress through training, they are expected to pass the FRCR examination, a prerequisite to practising as a consultant radiologist in the UK.
Radiology programmes generally do well in General Medical Council (GMC) training surveys, with a total satisfaction score from 2014 trainees of 83.8 .