renal vascular pedicle injury

vascular pedicle injury • Renal vascular pedicle injury - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

Teenager who
crashed their all terrain vehicle with abdominal painAxial and coronal CT with contrast of the abdomen immediate phase (above) shows low density in the superior and inferior poles of the left kidney and fluid in the left perirenal and pararenal spaces. There is also a large area of low density in the spleen. Delayed phase CT images (below) show extravasation of urine out of the ureter into the left pararenal space.The diagnosis was left renal laceration with ureteral transection and splenic laceration.
Renal vascular pedicle injury is a severe form of renal trauma, which if not recognized and treated expediently with lead to the loss of the kidney.
Radiographic features
Contrast enhanced CT is the Imaging modality of choice. On CT it is recognized as a non-enhaning kidney. Perirenal hematoma is optional and depends on the cause of injury. If the pedicle is avulsed then there will be a large hematoma, whereas in the case of dissection no hematoma need be seen.
A devascularised kidney is consistent with a grade V renal injury.
Siehe auch:
- rupturierte Nierenzyste Trauma
- Lymphom der Niere
- Nierenblutung
- Ursachen Nierenblutung
- renale Mikroaneurysmen bei Polyarteriits nodosa
- renale Mikroaneurysmen
- Nierenruptur
- renal trauma grading
- Nierentrauma
- Nierenblutung diabetische Nephropathie
- traumatische Einblutung Nierenzyste
- Makrohämaturie
- vascular trauma
- Komplikationen ESWL
- grade V renal injury