rupturierte Nierenzyste Trauma

rupture of a renal cyst. Renal parenchyma distorted by a cyst (11 cm), partially anechoic (green arrows), partially occupied by an inhomogeneous hyperechoic component (orange arrows); perirenal fluid collection (black arrow). Small part of normal renal parenchyma is recognizable (blue arrows).

einer traumatisch rupturierten Nierenzyste. Man erkennt teilweise noch die Zystenmembran der ursprünglich großen Zyste, aber auch reichlich Flüssigkeit drum herum.

rupture of a renal cyst. Intracystic haematoma (orange arrows) and fluid collection in the perinephric space (green arrows). Active bleeding with contrast-medium extravasation in the arterial phase (blue arrow Figure b), enlarging on delayed phases (blue arrows Figure c, d)

rupture of a renal cyst. Visualization of the renal cysts (orange arrows, Figures a, b) and of the retroperitoneal haemorrhage (blue arrows, Figures a, b). No urinary leak was recognizable (Figures a, b)

rupture of a renal cyst. Coils positioned in the embolization (blue arrows). The known cyst presents inhomogeneous density (orange arrows), but no changes in density are recognizable after contrast medium administration (Figure b). No contrast medium extravasation is recognizable.
rupturierte Nierenzyste Trauma
Siehe auch:
- Bosniak-Klassifikation
- eingeblutete Nierenzyste
- Wunderlich-Syndrom
- stumpfes Bauchtrauma
- Nierenblutung
- Nierenzyste
- Nierentrauma
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