Ruptur einer Echinokokkuszyste der Leber in die Gallenwege

Double versus
single T-tube drainage for frank cysto-biliary communication in patients with hepatic cystic echinococcosis: a retrospective cohort study with median 11 years follow-up. CT presentations of frank cysto-biliary communications. a Cysto-biliary communication (arrow) at right supra section and debris-filled common bile duct; b Cysto-biliary communication (arrow) at right posterior lobe; c Capsule calcified cyst (arrow) interlinking with left hepatic duct; d Medial lobular cyst presenting cysto-biliary communication to major hepatic ducts form both sides (arrows); e Severe left lateral lobe liver damage caused by cysto-biliary communication; f Hepato-atrophy (arrow) of left lateral lobe led by cysto-biliary communication

Double versus
single T-tube drainage for frank cysto-biliary communication in patients with hepatic cystic echinococcosis: a retrospective cohort study with median 11 years follow-up. MR/MRCP manifestations of frank cysto-biliary communications. a Cysto-biliary communication (arrow) at right posterior lobe; b cysto-biliary communication of “nested” cyst at main ductal branches of the liver; c cysto-biliary communication (arrow) at right supra section; d cysto-biliary communication (arrow) at right posterior lobe; e left lateral lobular cyst that played as “drainage pool” of the bile via cysto-biliary communication (lower arrow), note that proximal end of left hepatic duct was cramped (upper arrow) due to functional disuse; f cysto-biliary communication (arrow) at right lobe and biliary disuse of superior tributary

rupture of hepatic hydatid cyst • Intrabiliary rupture of hepatic hydatid cyst - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

rupture of hepatic hydatid cyst • Intrabiliary rupture of hepatic hydatid cyst - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

rupture of hepatic hydatid cyst • Intrabiliary rupture of hepatic hydatid cyst - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

rupture of hepatic hydatid cyst • Intrabiliary rupture of hepatic hydatid cyst - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

rupture of hepatic hydatid cyst • Hepatic hydatid cysts with cystobiliary communication - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

of hepatic echinococcosis: multimodality imaging approach. A 54-year-old man with air content within a hepatic hydatid cyst. Coronal reformatted CT image on portal venous phase shows air bubbles (arrowhead) within a unilocular calcified hydatid cyst. This finding was suggestive of occult cysto-biliary communication, which was later confirmed at surgery

of hepatic echinococcosis: multimodality imaging approach. A 65-year-old woman with cysto-biliary rupture. a Radiographic image performed during ERCP procedure shows multiple filling defects into the common bile duct (arrow), representing hydatid membranes. b Endoscopic image of the same patient shows hydatid membranes extraction

of hepatic echinococcosis: multimodality imaging approach. A 72-year-old man with communicating rupture. Radiographic image performed during ERCP demonstrates a linear calcified opacity (arrowhead)—representing a hepatic hydatid cyst—and intrahepatic bile duct dilatation (white arrow). The catheter (black arrow) introduced in biliary tree enters directly into the cyst, documenting the cysto-biliary fistula
Intrabiliary rupture of hepatic hydatid cyst is a common complication associated with hepatic hydatid cysts. It is important to appreciate the direct and indirect signs of this condition.
Radiographic features
The radiological features of intrabiliary rupture of a hepatic hydatid cyst can be classified into direct and indirect signs which can be seen on CT, ultrasound, and MRI. However, current studies have shown increased value of MRCP in diagnosis.
Direct signs
- direct visualization of cystobiliary communication
Indirect signs
- break in cyst wall adjacent to a bile duct
- biliary tree dilatation
- cystic material within the biliary tree or gallbladder
- distorted shape of cyst representing reduced intracystic pressure secondary to rupture
- presence of gas-fluid or fat-fluid level within the cyst
- displacement of bile ducts due to extrinsic pressure
- beak-like projection of cyst wall
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