scalp hematoma

Diagram of
the infant scalp showing the locations of the common hematomata of the scalp in relation the layers of the scalp. Newborn Scalp Hematomata
A scalp hematoma usually occurs following an injury at delivery although they are commonly seen with head trauma.
There are three types of hematoma, which are defined by their location within the scalp, particular their location as related to the galea aponeurosis and skull periosteum (this mnemonic is helpful when remembering the layers of the scalp). From superficial to deep, the three types are:
- caput succedaneum: subcutaneous hematoma superficial to the galea aponeurosis, most commonly secondary to vacuum assisted delivery
- subgaleal hematoma: hematoma within the potential space between the galea aponeurosis and the skull periosteum
- cephalohematoma: subperiosteal and therefore bound by the suture line
Siehe auch:
- Kephalhämatom
- Geburtsgeschwulst
- Galea aponeurotica
- SCALP mnemonic
- Skalpierungsverletzungen
- subgaleal hemorrhage
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