Scandinavian Stroke Scale
The Scandinavian Stroke Scale was designed for ease of use by non-neurologists. It is simpler than the NIHSS and has comparable performance in predicting death or dependence after stroke . The degree of neurological impairment measured by the Scandinavian Stroke Scale has been shown to correlate with ASPECTS score severity in acute stroke .
- consciousness: 2 (reacts to verbal commands but not fully conscious) to 6 (fully conscious)
- eye movements: 0 (conjugate eye deviation) to 4 (no gaze palsy)
- arm motor power on affected side: 0 (paralysis) to 6 (raises arm with normal strength)
- hand motor power on affected side: 0 (paralysis) to 6 (normal strength)
- leg motor power on affected side: 0 (paralysis) to 6 (normal strength)
- orientation: 0 (completely disoriented) to 6 (correct for time, place and person)
- speech: 0 (only answers yes/no or less) to 10 (no aphasia)
- facial palsy: 0 (present) to 2 (none)
- gait: 0 (bedridden/wheelchair) to 12 (walks 5 m without aids)
Stroke severity has been graded using this scale as :
- mild: 43-58
- moderate: 26-42
- severe: 0-25