seltene Mammatumoren
hibernoma. Mammography craniocaudal revealed an isodense lesion partially encapsulated, not easily seen, in the right breast.
hibernoma. Ultrasound- colour Doppler showed hypo-echoic and hyper-vascular mass with indistinct borders, not easily seen.
hibernoma. PET-CT showed a zone of hyper-metabolism in lower outer quadrant of the right breast.
hibernoma. Magnetic resonance with gadolinium revealed a large hyper-enhanced (early and marked contrast enhancement) mass.
A case of
multiple angiolipoma of the breast, new appearance. Craniocaudal mammography of right breast that shows multiple superficial nodules, oval, isodense and well-circumscribed.
A case of
multiple angiolipoma of the breast, new appearance. Close-up picture of some nodules seen on mammography where the small hypodense areas within, round and oval shape and well-circumscribed margin are shown better.
A case of
multiple angiolipoma of the breast, new appearance. Axial plane of left breast US. Multiple nodules, superficial, hyperecoic, oval, poorly circumscribed without posterior enhancement or shadowing.
A case of
multiple angiolipoma of the breast, new appearance. Mildly heterogeneous and hypointense superficial nodules.