septisch-embolische Herdenzephalitis
encephalitis • Septic-embolic encephalitis - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
embolic encephalitis after Staphylococcus aureusendocarditis of a prosthetic valve in a 57-year-old woman: a case report. Axial cNECT and cMR images on admission (A+B, E-H) and 4 days after onset of neurological symptoms (C+D). (A+B) NECT images show initially small cortical bleedings left frontal and right occipital and swollen cortex sections right occipital. (C+D) 4 days later the haemorrhage is enlarged, and multiple zones of infarction are visible. (E+F) Axial FLAIR weighted images demonstrate bilaterally multiple cortical and subcortical signal hyperintensities representing multiple ischemic lesions. (G+H) Axial T2*GRE MR images show microbleedings and haemorrhages within infarcted lesions. Transoesophageal echocardiogram examination shortly after admission (I+J). (I) Demonstration of two large oscillating vegetations (arrows), one of 4.5 × 2 mm on the upstream side and one of 4.3 × 7.4 mm on the downstream side of the bileaflet tilting disk valve. (J) Closer examination of the mechanical aortic valve shows relevant thickening of the aortic root indicating an evolving ring abscess (arrow).
Assoziationen und Differentialdiagnosen zu septisch-embolische Herdenzephalitis: