septisch-embolische Herdenzephalitis

encephalitis • Septic-embolic encephalitis - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

embolic encephalitis after Staphylococcus aureusendocarditis of a prosthetic valve in a 57-year-old woman: a case report. Axial cNECT and cMR images on admission (A+B, E-H) and 4 days after onset of neurological symptoms (C+D). (A+B) NECT images show initially small cortical bleedings left frontal and right occipital and swollen cortex sections right occipital. (C+D) 4 days later the haemorrhage is enlarged, and multiple zones of infarction are visible. (E+F) Axial FLAIR weighted images demonstrate bilaterally multiple cortical and subcortical signal hyperintensities representing multiple ischemic lesions. (G+H) Axial T2*GRE MR images show microbleedings and haemorrhages within infarcted lesions. Transoesophageal echocardiogram examination shortly after admission (I+J). (I) Demonstration of two large oscillating vegetations (arrows), one of 4.5 × 2 mm on the upstream side and one of 4.3 × 7.4 mm on the downstream side of the bileaflet tilting disk valve. (J) Closer examination of the mechanical aortic valve shows relevant thickening of the aortic root indicating an evolving ring abscess (arrow).