Sinus aortae

Aorta laid
open to show the semilunar valves. (Aortic sinus, also known as "sinus of Valsalva", is labeled at upper left.)
The sinuses of Valsalva, also known as aortic sinuses, are the anatomic spaces at the aortic root bounded internally by the aortic valve leaflets and externally by outward bulges of the aortic wall.
In typical anatomy, there are three sinuses:
- right coronary or anterior
- gives rise to right coronary artery
- left coronary or left posterior
- gives rise to left main coronary artery
- noncoronary/posterior or right posterior
The former terms are used routinely in clinical vernacular, while the latter are used in some anatomic texts . When there are congenital coronary artery anomalies, however, the traditional anatomic descriptors may be less confusing.
When the term coronary sinus is used in conjunction with a modifier (e.g., left or right), it should not be confused for the venous coronary sinus.
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