small saphenous vein

The small saphenous vein (SSV) forms part of the superficial venous drainage of the lower limb.


Small saphenous vein is the preferred terminology over other terms such as short saphenous vein, external saphenous vein or lesser saphenous vein .

Gross anatomy

Origin and course

The small saphenous vein forms by the confluence of the lateral aspect of the dorsal venous network of the foot (lateral marginal vein of the foot). It passes behind the lateral malleolus and directly superiorly in the subcutaneous tissue of the calf to perforate the deep fascia (fascia lata) and drain into the popliteal vein in the popliteal fossa.


Communicates with deep venous system via numerous perforating veins.


Variant anatomy

  • duplication occurs in ~3.5% of the population
  • variable termination (i.e. not into the popliteal vein in the popliteal fossa)
    • thigh extension of small saphenous vein (known as the vein of Giacomini): courses between biceps femoris and semimembranosus muscles and drains into superficial, perforating or deep veins; prevalence ~80%
      • variable presence of communicating branches with the popliteal vein
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