Spontanpneumothorax der Frau

endometriosis syndrome: a rare cause of pneumothorax in young women. Posteroanterior chest radiography. Right pneumothorax with contralateral displacement of the mediastinum was found. Extrapleural opacities attached to the right diaphragm were also observed.

endometriosis syndrome: a rare cause of pneumothorax in young women. Axial chest CT. Right pneumothorax and extrapleural nodules attached to the diaphragm were found. A right thoracic tube could be also observed.

endometriosis syndrome: a rare cause of pneumothorax in young women. Axial T1-weighted fat-suppressed sequence. The lesions attached to the right diaphragm were markedly hyperintense.

pneumothorax • Catamenial pneumothorax - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

pneumothorax • Catamenial pneumothorax - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

pneumothorax • Catamenial pneumothorax - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

pneumothorax • Catamenial pneumothorax - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
Wenn ein Spontanpneumothorax bei einer Frau (wiederholt) im zeitlichen Zusammenhang mit der Regelblutung auftritt, muss an einen katamenialen Pneumothorax und damit an eine thorakale Endometriose gedacht werden.
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