Stenose Arteria mesenterica inferior
An uncommon
procedure: inferior mesenteric artery stenting for chronic mesenteric ischaemia. CT angiograhy: MPR image shows the short stenosis at the ostium of IMA
An uncommon
procedure: inferior mesenteric artery stenting for chronic mesenteric ischaemia. VR image confirms the stenosis of the ostium of IMA and the hypertrophy of Riolano"s arch with rehabitation of SMA and coeliac trunk.
An uncommon
procedure: inferior mesenteric artery stenting for chronic mesenteric ischaemia. Balloon inflation of the stent.
An uncommon
procedure: inferior mesenteric artery stenting for chronic mesenteric ischaemia. Preliminar angiography confirms the stenosis of IMA
An uncommon
procedure: inferior mesenteric artery stenting for chronic mesenteric ischaemia. Final angiography after stent deployment: restoration of appropriate vessel calibre at the ostium of IMA.
Stenose Arteria mesenterica inferior
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Assoziationen und Differentialdiagnosen zu Stenose Arteria mesenterica inferior: